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Quality Matters

E-Learning center is proud to announce:
Kuwait University has joined Quality Matters as the first and only academic member institution in Kuwait! 


Quality Matters is a non-profit, international organization; leader in quality assurance for online education & e-learning
✓ Faculty-centered to support teaching & learning
✓ Over 1400+ member institutions in 40+ countries
QM is a member of the International Network of Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education (INQAAHE)

A System & Process for Academic Quality
•    Research Supported Rubrics and Standards
•    Professional Development Offerings and Pathways
•    Peer Review Process for Courses and Programs
•    Student Success and Institutional Advancement

Positive Impact of QM for Students
✓ Improved student success 
✓ Higher GPA and overall grades 
✓ Greater student engagement 
✓ Higher rate of assignment submissions 
✓ Increased student interaction 
✓ Lower withdrawal rate 
✓ Higher satisfaction on course evaluation

Kuwait University - QM Membership Benefits  
•    Access to the fully annotated, web-based HE QM Rubric that shows you what to look for when evaluating your courses
•    Discounts on Official QM-managed course reviews, conferences, and professional development
•    QM IDA Membership, which connects instructional designers to resources that support their QM efforts
•    The QM Research Library gives you access to research and insights related to QM and online learning
•    Exclusive QM Success Stories webinars from other Members
•    QM’s Course Review Management System, which enables access to a variety of review tools for individuals and groups

For inquiries or for more information, please contact our Quality Matters Coordinator at the E-learning center at